I.T. & Secure-intel

A trusted U.S. defense contractor.

Operational technology (OT) encompasses many aspects of our world, including industrial control systems (ICS), used to control core operational processes. Spearics utilizes ICS technologies to control essential services such as water and power supply and monitor these services to prevent hazardous conditions. 

We are experts in recognizing the manipulation of these systems and processes, which could have extreme impacts on the end-users of these services within the operational environments. Therefore, the security of OT environments and ICS technologies should be a top priority for organizations. Spearics assesses an OT environment to determine remediation plans and strategies. Gaining visibility into them is challenging and requires different approaches than traditional IT environments. 

Spearics team works effortlessly around OT cybersecurity incidents since its dramatic increase in recent years. According to the 2020 IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index, there was a 2,000 percent increase year-over-year. In addition to a lack of combined IT/OT visibility into OT environments, security issues can happen unknowingly, resulting in catastrophic damage to the business in some cases.

IT Solutions

Spear International’s I.T. division delivers state-of-the-art comprehensive solutions to satisfy clients’ cyber security needs. Our team improves upon established methods to guarantee that operations are fully operative and yield the expected result. We guarantee the fulfilment of today’s demands, and simultaneously pledge to meet the challenges of tomorrow.


Spear International boasts a full suite of integrated security programs to support our clients needs even in the most sensitive geographic regions. Our expertise includes installation security, cyber security, technical security and more. Our approach to security reflects our commitment to the highest standards of excellence in safety, precision, and responsibility.